
Bulletin No. 27
Tetra PCI v4 and v5 Hardware
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Bulletin No. 26
Spark SIM 4G Connection Issues
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Bulletin No. 25
Terminal and PIN Pad Reboot Loop
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Bulletin No. 24
How to Recognise if the INGETRUST Keys Have Expired
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Bulletin No. 23
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Bulletin No. 22
Nitro SDK Changes for Windows 10
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Bulletin No. 21
Contactless Surcharging
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Bulletin No. 20
Desk 5000 and Move 5000 Lost Configuration
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Payments Industry Terminology
The Payments industry can sometimes be a minefield of acronyms, industry jargon and complex definitions. Here are a few of the main terminologies you will hear within the Payments industry and an explanation of each to ensure you are fully informed. Acquirer Acquirer is the term give to the bank that enables you to accept [...]
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What is Software Compliance?
Software Compliance is the term used to cover the management of the application software in the Skyzer terminal fleet, and ultimately, the ongoing security and compliance of the New Zealand payments industry. By way of background, in 2012 a number of important new requirements were introduced into the New Zealand payments market around ensuring that EFTPOS [...]
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